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Tacho – Sepia

  • Album
  • [2023]

This album captures the wild essence within Sergi –Tacho–, narrating a transformation from ego to primal instincts mirrored in the music. The initial tracks are intense, filled with raging vocals and darkness, creating a tense atmosphere. However, as the album progresses, it evolves into moments of tenderness, softness, and light. Collaborating with Oriol Padrós, we've crafted a powerful and intimate sound, ensuring a dynamic range within a single album. While it may not be immediately pleasant, the transformative journey promises a deeply rewarding experience. As we ended up saying, this album may elicit varied reactions – love it or not, but it won't leave you indifferent. Enjoy, and catch the live performance for an amazing spectacle.

  • Production kickoff:December 2021
  • Release date:March 2023
  • Management:El Ventilador Music
  • Art:Siempredeluto
  • Studio:El Tercero Studios, my own


  • Songwriting and Lyrics: Sergi Aragó
  • Producers: Andreu Marquès, Dani HDZ, Lowis (6)
  • Mix: Andreu Marquès, Oriol Padrós
  • Master: Oriol Padrós


  • Vocals: Sergi Aragó, Juan Pablo Vega (10), Las Migas (2), Rita Payés (6)
  • Drums: Guillemao, Andreu Marquès
  • Percussion: Guillemao, Ori Martínez, Chucho Canela
  • Bass: Juan Finger, Jaume Àvila, Andreu Marquès, Lowis
  • Pianos: Kevin Díaz
  • Guitars: Frede Covannini, Unai Eizaguirre, Dani HDZ, Sergi Aragó, Andreu Marquès
  • Trombone: Sergi Aragó
  • Trumpet: Gregori Hollis
  • Sax: Aitor Franch, Carlos Avatar
  • Background Vocals: Clara Gorrias, Andreu Marquès